A talk of Gauhar Raza was orgainsed
6 July 2020

It must have become clear to any person by now (if he has not stopped thinking logically!) that in the last few years the current government has been making huge efforts to propagate pseudoscience in the country, in the name of science. The government has been trying to eventually establish myths as facts, which is really dangerous. However, it's not entirely a new phenomenon, we have also seen that the previous regimes have also encouraged and propagated pseudoscience to an extent. But, in the recent years there has been an unprecedented increase of such anti science practices promoted by the present central government, which eventually has led to decline of democratic values in the country. So, it's important to discuss this more elaborately and to find the ways to counter it. In this light, a talk of renowned scientist and poet, Gauhar Raza was orgainsed by Scientists for Society on 6th of July, 2020 on facebook.